Special Access Inspection

We will be happy to assess your unique situation and help you figure out the most cost effective method of access.

Diving Inspection

Our staff includes certified commercial divers that can make underwater structures accessible for inspection. Using surface supplied air source increases safety over conventional SCUBA by giving the diver an unlimited supply of breathing air. By being connected to the surface we can also have constant communication and video of the inspection. This increases safety for the inspector and also lets us record the inspection for later viewing.

Our capabilities are limited to shallow water inspections (less than 60 feet). We are capable and experienced in the following types or dive inspection:
• Structural footings
• Water tank inspections
• Flume inspection
• Underwater NDT (Visual, Ultrasonic thickness, Magnetic Particle)

The ability to inspect the underwater portions without draining the water can have significant time and cost savings.

Rope Access Inspection

Our SPRAT (Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians) Certified inspectors can safely work at height in areas without scaffolding or crane basket. Rope access can significantly reduce the time and cost of the inspection. Industrial rope access uses rock climbing techniques to allow the technicians to get to the inspection site while significantly reducing the risk of a fall. The inspectors will always be attached at two points so that a single failure of a part of the system will not result in an injury. Our Technicians are Qualified Inspectors first, and rope access technicians only when needed.

These techniques are accepted by OSHA and are used in many industries which include:
• Towers
• Wind turbines
• Amusement parks
• High-rise structures

We can help you figure out if rope access is the best option for your situation.

Confined Space Inspection

Our Technicians are trained (29 CFR 1910.146) to enter confined spaces as defined by OSHA. Using the proper procedures and trained personnel we can get into these small spaces and perform the inspections while minimizing the risk to our technicians.

Some examples of confined spaces are as follows:
• Low oxygen environments
• Tanks
• Storage hoppers
• Pipelines
• Manholes
• Bins
• Excavations

We can help you evaluate the best method of entry for your situation.

Non-manned (in-direct) Inspection

If an area is too small or too dangerous to send in an inspector we can use remote vehicles or a borescope to get a better look.
Borescopes are fiber optic cameras that can be inserted through a small hole and give video and still pictures of the interior of an area.

Remote operated vehicles are designed to drive by wire into an area that is too small or dangerous for the inspector. Because it is connected by wire the inspection can be done by real time video and digital photo.
Show us what needs to be inspected and we will find a way to look inside.

Our Remotely Operated Vehicle is for diving operations in which man diving is not an option due to dangerous or corrosive water environments.

Our Inspection crawler is for land inspection operations in which it is not environmentally safe for a human to enter due to contamination.

Borescopes may be use for inaccessible areas where neither human direct inspection nor inspection crawler in-direst inspection will due.